Oklahoma Vision Care Center
Oklahoma City, OK
Listing Price: $1,650,000
Initial Cap Rate: 7.00% NOI: $115,500
Property Profile:
- Top 30 MSA: No
- Tenancy Type: Single-Tenant
Location Strength (10 mi. Radius)
- Avg. Household Income: $45,500
- Year Built: 2020
- Acres: 0.75
Traffic (Annual Avg. Daily Traffic)
- AADT: 25,000
- Building Square Feet: 5,500
- Leased Square Feet: 5,500
Hard Corner / Signalized
- Hard Corner: Yes
- Signalized: Yes
Tenant Profile:
- Medical Sub-Type: Vision Care Centers
- Investment Grade Credit: Yes
Location Strength (10 mi. Radius)
- Competitors: 3
- Footprint: National
- Operational History: 20+ Years
Location Count
- Nationwide: 27
- Statewide: 2
- Experienced Operators: Yes
- Self-Sustaining Unit: Yes
Investment Grade Credit
- Rating: B
Lease Profile:
- Initial Cap Rate: 7.00%
- NOI: $115,500
Base Lease
- Base Term: 10 Years
- Renewal Options: Yes
- Lease Type: NNN
- Landlord Responsibilities: None
- Inception: 01-01-2020
- Expiration: 12-31-2029
- Annual % Increases: +2.50%
- Options: 2
- Length: 5 Years
- Annual % Increases: +2.50%
- Guarantor Type: Corporate
- Guarantor Strength: Very Strong
- Guarantor Term: 5 Years
Offer Package:
Listing Agent & Primary Contact:
Firm: Med Net Lease, Inc.Firm License: G-07231
Agent: Alex Everest
Agent License: G-087843
Mobile: 404-713-8008Email: alex@mednetlease.com
Broker of Record:
Firm: Broker of Record Solutions, Inc.Firm License: I-03592
Broker: Ashley Jones
Broker License: 029105
Mobile: 404-713-8000Email: ashley@mybrokerofrecord.com